Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education is a program that enables students to experience the great outdoors and participate in outdoor recreation activities. Students are given opportunities to find and then extend their personal boundaries. It is a great subject for discovering what you are capable of. Field trips include activities in rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, cycle touring, bushwalking, snorkelling, surfing and kayaking. On the MCSS College Campus Outdoor Education is available to all students to participate in and can be studied as part of a year 12 package or just for fun as enrichment activities.

On the high school campus, Outdoor Education is offered as an elective to year 10 students. Students study a different topic and attend a camp each term. Topics include Ocean Sports, Bushwalking, Snow Sports and Adventure Sports.

Melba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Outdoor Education Program in Budawang National ParkMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Outdoor Education Program in Budawang National ParkMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy BushwalkingMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Outdoor Education Program          Melba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy BushwalkingMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy BushwalkingMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Snow CampMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Snow CampMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Rock ClimbingMelba Copland Secondary School Students Enjoy Snorkelling

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